Covid Campaigns and the Ravens’ Flight

In the last few weeks of the summer I’ve still been getting in games where I can. The way that local gaming has been hit by the crisis is starting to become increasingly disheartening. Everyone I know is doing their best to keep gaming, but without an open hobby night at the local gaming store a big part of my reason for being in the hobby is starting to fall apart. Some people (myself included) have tried to counter this by organising campaigns. Even though we can’t all participate at the same time, we’re hoping that linking the battles online will provide at least a little more motovation to keep us playing. I’ve therefore included a few report stories with the pictures. One campaign is an Age of Sigmar campaign that I’m participating in with my Hedonites of Slaanesh and the other is Titanicus which I’m doing with my Legio Krytos.

Age of Sigmar: The Alabaster Host

In the Seventy Fourth Palace of the Great Dark Prince
In the seventy fourth palace of the great dark prince
We are waiting on the host
We don’t have to boast but we’ll make a toast
Bottoms up be sure to rinse

In the alabaster palace of the great dark prince
Where we like to take things slow
There will be a show we don’t have to go
We are easy to convince

In the silent palace of the great dark prince
A strange song always plays
Like a winding maze it goes on for days
If you heard it you would wince

In the neverending palace of the great dark prince
People like to settle down
Upside down they frown all around the town
And we haven’t seen them since

Two mysterious statues flew down from the skies above the realm of Chaos. Although a riotous war was waged between the Maggotkin of Nurgle and the Alabaster Host of Slaanesh, both warhosts left the field with only a single statue in their possession.

“The Seraphon of the Koatl’s Claw constellation clashed with the hedonites of the Alabaster Host over a formation of five nurlge plague loci. After quickly claiming the prime locus, Greater Daemon Minertia the Elegant was banished by the Koatl Saurus Guard. Arcane infection and disease caused havoc among the closely cavorting daemons and saurus in the center. Meanwhile speed of the slaaneshi godseekers pushed the battles for the flanks past the saurus knights to claim even more loci in Dark Prince’s name. Abandoning all concern for claiming the plague loci, the saurus army unleashed their full bloodthirst and started tearing through the hedonites in earnest. With only a few daemonettes remaining after the battle, Koatl’s Claw returned to ghur satisfied. The plague loci however, were thoroughly drained and subverted by the power of Slaanesh.”

Adeptus Titanicus: Legio Krytos

simulation XX.IX.011 – sub axiom maniple engagement – blasted barrens – single fortification – nemesis: legio gryphonicus – prime stratagem: encircle and close engagement – result: loss / chronomatic insufficiency – prime causality: unreliability reaver class machine spirit / overdefensive warhound class stratagem

The shitty thing about this phase of the pandemic in the Netherlands is that our group can only play 1v1 battles at the gaming store as long as we book a table in advance. Also, the gaming store now only has room for 3 tables max. Gaming at home is still possible, but dependant on who you’ll allow in your house, how much terrain you have and how much room you have.

The part that falls away is the spontaneous, communal, social way of playing games. Megabattles, teambattles, campaigns, lengthy painting table converations. These were the kinds of things that were, to me, the ultimate reason for doing this hobby. Even though I’ve enjoyed most of the battles I’ve played since lockdown. It feels like dry bread compared to the mighty feasts that I’ve dedicated myself to for the past 15 years.

Long story short: I’m having a tough time with all of this and I can’t wait for the pandemic to be over. If this keeps going long enough I’m going to have to rethink my hobby in a fundametal way.

As a final thing I wanted to show a quick shot of my two Xiphon’s that are now finally done. Over the next few days/weeks I’ll be varnishing the entire army and declaring it finished. Hopefully I’ll have some time to make some full army shots.

Finally. The Last of the Ravens are complete!

Thanks for reading!